I'm Vrishank Viswanath. I have been coding since 2019, my junior year of highschool.
I will be graduating from the University of Texas at Austin in December 2024 with a Bachelor's in Computer Science. I'm also head of user experience in my startup Raindrop, a platform for students to seamless track and find internships.
When I'm not coding, I like reading comics (LOVE Marvel and DC), singing Indian songs, going to the gym, and exploring new restaurants.
Also, I will be biking from Austin to Alaska in summer 2025 as part of Texas 4000 for Cancer and would love your support!
Developed Next.js dashboard with SAML auth system for legal teams to manage terms and acceptance of 37 products.
Optimized compliance as a service API to generate acceptance reports 46% faster and implemented cacheing of API results with Redis.
Migrated API compliance API data from MongoDB to SQL to allow for easier querying and data analysis.
Consolidated 264 product hierarchy mappings into a single database and devised dashboard to manage SMB product info.
Performed copy number variant analysis on multiple myeloma cell line data with Python, expanding dataset by 14%.
Wrote BASH scripts to replicate cell data processing and streamline input directories, boosting team efficiency by 12%.
Centralized 70 characterized cell lines in R-based web application to help research team view genomic data visualizations.
Actualized from end-to-end Angular chat and voice UI for smooth patient-provider interaction and effective translation.
Implemented C# language translation service for 61 languages in 121 regions utilizing Microsoft Cognitive Services SDK.
Merged medical terms into app to minimize patient-doctor miscommunication, increasing translation accuracy by 20%.
Engineered artful React UI for subscription service that curates monthly interest-based gift bundles for loved ones.
Constructed scalable Django backend with AWS relational database, handling 50 monthly users’ data and authentication.
Merged medical terms into app to minimize patient-doctor miscommunication, increasing translation accuracy by 20%.
Expanded C# based REST API in agile environment to modify order details, boosting client satisfaction by 11%.
Debugged 13 backend errors to maintain API functionality and facilitate smooth frontend implementation of API.
Integrated bug fixes and feature developments into devops CI/CD environment to ensure code was production ready.